Let assume you made a blog and you decided to make money online with it.
Simply, you took this decision because you see a dozen of guys around the web making a pretty $20k or $30k a month from a simple blog. Just a very simple blog, can make such as money. It’s not that bad: Make blog, write some content on it and then start making money.
Sure there’s hundred of blogs or websites making such money, (Forums also). But the matter is ‘how they make it?’ From Advertising? Ok, from advertising, but if you are going to advertise you don’t need a blog exactly, you can advertise in the street, on TV. Normally, we advertise where people exist in huge number.
If you decide to advertise on street or may be on your house window, this will be quite odd to attract as many eyes as you can’t think and then your advertising campaign is successful, however I don’t prefer to be weird , I’m normal and I just keep normal. This is way I choose to write in a blog.
I have more than 1 year blogging and creating web sites on the net. I made some money from it. A little more than $1,000. But the more important I get much experience from the web that I want to share with you. This will increase my popularity and also add further earnings to my Google Adsense account.
In this blog, I’ll talk from time to time about the Google Search Engine Technology and also Blogger as a platform to create and publish a blog. You can read the following tutorial in whole as you can also subscribe to RSS feeds (also by Email) to keep updated with the blog latest posts.
1- Google Platform for Bloggers and webmasters
2- Creating a good Blogger Blog
3- How to get approved in Google Adsense
4- How to spread the word with Google Search
5- How much will you earn from your blog
5 parts you can read. They are not related, you can start from the bottom, as you can start from the middle, no matter where you start from. If you like them, you can bookmark or fave them on Delicious, Technorati or any site of your choice.
Google is the world giant search engine and also the world giant advertiser in Text and search advertising. Google is famous for its advertising program Google Adsense and Also Google Adwords (but that one is for publisher).
Any companies that get some success, or let say any person! Let suppose a person created a blog and succeed to create a community on it and making an awesome $500 every month. What will he do next?
* Optimize more his blog and add new feature?
* Add a forum and try to grown it up?
* Create another blog?
What ever the man will choose, he’ll try to expand his business on the net. Every one will do so. Like me for example who don’t stop from building sites, startup and blogs. It’s like a challenge. Ok, in the end, Google expanded and make a platform for web masters consisting from the following.
- Blogger: A solution to create your blog and publish content on it.
- Search: Get readers from the Google Search Engine.
- Analytics: Analyze your traffic Data and visitor characteristics.
- Adsense: Advertise and make earnings through your blog
And then? Google is offering all of those for free! So you can start from nothing and make money! It’s an investment of Time! You invest only your time and you can back money. If the day counts 50,000 hour for me and 24 hour to the rest of the world, I’ll be probably the richest person on the world. Thanks to Google Platform, I’ll have enough time create and publish my content and be as fast as several hundred of media companies working on this sector.
This sector is the safest. You didn’t invest any money, so any income will be appreciated. Also financial crisis don’t affect this sector, if there’s a financial crisis, then industry with advertise more for its products, which means more earnings for us. So don’t get afraid!
Is Google giving this money for free?
No, Google isn’t that stupid to give us money for doing nothing, but it’s just making us working for the media. When we work for the media, we are upsetting other giant media companies. We are sharing some of their traffic and making some of their money.
Google encourage small media, to keep control over them. Google can ban a blog with 200 daily visitors from its program just for doing some illicit work. However, it could not do so with a 1 million daily unique visitor website. So by having 50 million blogs around the web, Google awaken the mass media giants.
If you are new to Google, then you must change! Google have also a mail box, apps for your domain, calendar and owns you tube and much more! Ready to immigrate?
The problem that every one face is the ‘Start up’. Every one knows how to deal with HTML Text, create a web page, a website and other various things. But they don’t know how to start.
Starting is not easy at all. The first matter every Blogger should face is ‘What to write about?’ What will I talk about on my blog?
If you are going to talk about your family life, that’s not really bad, but only your family members will read it! (You’ll need huge gigantic family tree members to get sufficient visitors).
Though talking about someone every day life is not good. If it’s good, then it’s not interesting. You need something interesting, motivating, that will trigger your reader to comment, back link, bookmark, tell to a friend your blog post.
A good Blogger should create a unique style for its blog posts. For example, in my Blog Spring Of Life, I start with a short introduction, an image in the left. I divide my post on paragraph…
For example for this blog; I’m just writing, long blog posts, you feel the style?
The writing template will make your blog unique. Don’t try to change it, you readers won’t appreciate the change. They are habituated to that style.
When writing something, you can’t be %100 assured about what you are writing. But try to give details and sources; this will create confidence to your reader. Back linking to other blogs, isn’t bad and let you by time create your community and show your interest on other Bloggers.
When you back link to another blog, don’t back link a famous one. Try to back link, a small new blog (but also good quality one). The Blogger should be active, I mean the blog is not dead and its writer forgot it.
Active Blogger always analyze their traffic data. Even if your site don’t send some traffic through this link, Bloggers can know that you back link them, through Google Blog Search by typing ‘link:http://blogurl.com’. Google will show the latest back linkers blogs.
This happened to me many times. Some people back link to me. They also spice the back link with some relevant keywords. I appreciate the back link. I back link them back, book mark the site, contact the Blogger, comment on his blog…. At least I do something to say ‘I am really grateful for this link!’
Creating a community of reader is hard and takes much time. If you decide to do so, this may take 2 or 3 years of hard work, to get 10 K readers. However if your feed burner account shows 10K RSS reader, this don’t mean you have 10K loyal readers, but only 200 or 300 and it’s not really that bad, to get 60 or 70 comment on a blog post!
There’s always a way to speed those process up, you can speed them using the social media or Google Search Engine. (Also the other search engines, but be sure, Google will drive more than %80 of your search engine traffic).
The difference between Social Media sites traffic (Like Digg, Stumble Upon and Reddit) that they provide heavy traffic for a short period of time (1 day or 2). This also depends on your activity on those sites. However Google always provide you with a steady slow traffic.
Later I’ll explain how to play with the Google Search Engine to create waves of traffics and explode your blog with visitors.
Yet, you think, you are perhaps sure, I love talking wit no reason at all. I even forgot the primary goal of this blog post, the words drive me!
To create a good blog on Blogger, you have to care about some things
The blog Template: A simple blog template, few widgets, fast loading.
The blog URL: If you are talking about food the URL ‘asianfood2eat.blogspot.com’ is better than ‘myname.blogspot.com’. And if you have 10 bucks buy a domain!
The Blog Title: Title your blog with your main keywords ‘Asian Food’
You can also do a small search with Google ‘Optimize my blog title’, or simply ‘SEO for blogs’
Finally here are some blogs that I suggest:
Let assume you hosted a blog, wrote some content on it and got some traffic from some places. Then you think, you should apply for Google Adsense, but you the moderators kicked you off!
Ok, before applying for Google Adsense, you should better read the Policy, else if you don’t do, you may miss some important notices that will get you banned from the program.
I know it’s very long, but you have to bear… I warned you! You’ll get banned!
First of all, you need a good looking blog, not a fantastic template; the simplest one will do the job. Google will approve a (no template) blog or web site and reject a nice (bad-formed) template. You template must be clear and not bad-formed.
What bad-formed mean?
Ok you are new and may be you don’t know it, but other cheaters knows and uses as well. Some webmasters uses bad-formed templates to mix text with ads, this mean you see both of them. Some time, you don’t see the ads, but when you click over the text, you click the ads. You don’t understand what have happened, but some money has gone for those guys.
This is the reason why Google don’t like, those kinds of templates. Generally, you’ll need 100 visitors to generate a click, with such as games; you can make 10 clicks from 1 visitor, yet 1000 click in place of 1!!
It’s crazy! But Google will discover you soon, so please care about your template.
After setting a good, simple template, you need something on your site or blog; if you blog is empty Google won’t accept it.
If your blog is full and you putted (This blog is under construction), Google will reject it also. So try to avoid this kind of words on your headers.
Non-ready websites won’t be accepted.
Other thing to care about is the content. For example if you offer free music download (pirated music), not only Adsense will ban you, but also (may be) Google search. Your blog may also be deleted from Blogger, if you have your own host, so you may get some troubles because of the ‘Authors Copyrights’!
The Blog or site content should be unique and not copied from another site.
Finally another thing to talk about is ‘other advertising networks’. If you use Pop-ups ads on your site, you may get rejected and banned, if you install many ads, videos, your website is full of gadgets, Adsense won’t like it also.
Now you think the rules are rude! But who’s the shit who said to you ‘Participate to Adsense’? There are thousands of other advertising networks, you can join. But if you didn’t get paid, then that’s your problem.
Because it’s big and famous, people take confidence on Google. That’s sure! However, who guarantee that a guy running an advertising website will pay me, once I gathered $100?
Yet, if you have PayPal and a credit card (or a bank account), you won’t need Adsense or other programs. You can manage your ads your self, by getting money from advertiser and putting the ads yourself. By this manner, you’ll make even more money. But people won’t trust you much, if you are not popular. Also this will need a monthly job, searching for advertiser, placing ads, taking money, and other things.
In the end, getting approved from Google Adsense is easy, but the hard is to keep not to get banned!
Most of you want to have a blog ready!
- With articles and posts
- With a long list of subscriber
- With a high page rank
- With many comments...
Really? It's not easy to do it. The proof, only few people made it the right way.
And let's suppose you have 10k readers! This don't mean anything if you don't post every day.
This mean : when you don't post, reader wont' read. Result : You probably won't earn anything.
This is why you need another thing. It's Google Traffic.
Google Traffic is based on Google Search Engine.
Generally Google always send a steady traffic for you website that increase or decrease the day after the other.
But how to make a blog with steady Google Traffic?
The response is easy : By putting content on your blog!
Google indexes two things : Images and Text.
However text is always searched more that images, but this don't mean you forget about images.
In my blog Spring Of Life, I decided to integrate with each post a image with the alt Tag.
Results : 40% of my Search Engine Traffic comes from Google Images.
If you decided to do so, so you may have traffic and heavy traffic because people always forget about images; however when analyzing my data with more precision, I noticed another thing.
The average of page per view is 1.1, the averge time on site is 6 second.
People searching for images, search for images! They'll taker the picture and go.
However people searching for text, will read, bookmark, post a comment and may be click an ad on your blog.
So the Google Search Engine mean the Text one.
From my last experience on Googler Zone, I was just testing a blog keyworded with 'Google, Adsense, Traffic...' and here's the results when I sent a little traffic to it.
My average pay per click was as high as $1.5 and I got 1 click on 64 impression, which was quite high also.
I didn't know why people clicked a lot, but this meant one thing for me: A successful job!
But the problem is I can't send more traffic from my other blog, or it'll be abusing for my readers.
Later, I forget about the blog.
My aim now is to create this blog and get another kind of traffic 'Search Engine Traffic'
How to attract search engines
The only way is writing. Choose a niche and write on it.
My last experiences showed to me, that writing on a specific niches will increase the pay per click you get.
Also it's easier to reach the first position with the keyword 'Make money online for poor people' than 'make money online' than 'make money'.
Sure the more the keyword is shorter the more traffic you get, but if you get in the last position you can't jump to the first one in a day.
Here's a list on how to get started
- Write simple on your language don't complicate it
- Write short paragraphs separated each the other
- Highligh in Bold your main keyword
- Insert a tagged image if you can
- Uses numered or bullted lists
- Add some links to other sites
How to optimize your Keywords
As I already said it, it's impossible to get the first position in 'make money online' from the first day.
Try to use other larger but related keywords.
This will get you few traffic, if so, then increase the quantity of posting.
Let's calcuate it!
150 post / 3 visitors a day / 5 Page views => 750 daily page views.
It's high for begineers, so they don't beleive, other people may consider so low...
However if you done right, why don't you do it another time!
I create many blogs and still creating..
Each blog drive a little traffic, but now I have about 15 or 18, They all have low traffic, but I accumulate more than 2,000 impressions from them all.
Generally it's not good to have many blogs, but it can be a solution if you didn't succeed to create a big one.
How to take control of Google
In my web site Barcode Maker, I have had a great experience on taking control of Google Search.
My aim was to increase my search engine traffic to at least 150 unique daily but I completly faild, the website max potential was 35 visitors, so far then I planned.
So there was other solutions.
I made a single page about barcode each time using different types of keywords.
I published 13 of those pages in different sites
- Knol (5 pages) [6 unique]
- Squidoo (2 pages) [2 unique]
- Hubpages (3 pages) [13 unique]
- Gather (3 pages) [2 unique]
I get about 25 unique from them.
Next thing : I published a post on 6 blogs about Barcoding.
I get about 50 unique from those blogs.
Now I have only 40 visitors from Google, but using this tunnels, I have more than 100 unique!
Tunnels are great, each tunnel won't drive much traffic, but if you managed to create 100, this should give you enough traffic and also steady traffic!
Hope this help you!
I bet every new Blogger will ask this question, dozen of times and I bet also, he won’t get the answer. The Adsense team says 'it's hard to answer' and 'it depends on many factors'.
How much can a blog make money? How much can I earn from Adsense?
Through my experience, a blog income depends on its traffic and traffic only. Quantity and Quality of traffic. Best traffic is USA, Europe, Middle East, Africa….
The poorer a country is the worst the traffic become.
I mean with ‘worst’, you make less earnings, ok here’s a summary.
The earnings depend on two factors, where you traffic come from and how much its interested on your blog or website.
Your traffic also, must be steady, the numbers change from a day to another, those are just averages.
Number (Page Views) / USA or Europe / Middle East or Africa
For a blog with 100 visitors
+ 120 / $0.3 / $0.06
+ 180 / $0.5 / $0.1
+ 300 / $0.8 / $0.16
From 300 to 500
+ 350 to 600 / $1.5 / $0.08
+ 450 to 900 / $2.4 / $0.15
+ 800 to 1200 / $5 / $0.3
From 500 to 1000
+ 600 to 1200 / $2.1 / $0.12
+ 800 to 1400 / $4.6 / $0.3
+ 1200 to 2500 / $8 / $0.6
As much, your blog gain traffic, as much your page per view will average to 2 (if your traffic is steady).
If you traffic is very turbulent, for example today 50 tomorrow 7000 and then 10… Adsense won’t be happy and may ban you.
If you traffic don’t generate any clicks on several hundred of impressions, Google will also ban you, simply Adsense have no reason to record your impression numbers with no profits.
If you want to earn from your blog, then you must have good traffic (Google Traffic) and also from good locations, like USA or UK.