How to get your blog approved in Google Adsense

Let assume you hosted a blog, wrote some content on it and got some traffic from some places. Then you think, you should apply for Google Adsense, but you the moderators kicked you off!

Ok, before applying for Google Adsense, you should better read the Policy, else if you don’t do, you may miss some important notices that will get you banned from the program.
I know it’s very long, but you have to bear… I warned you! You’ll get banned!

First of all, you need a good looking blog, not a fantastic template; the simplest one will do the job. Google will approve a (no template) blog or web site and reject a nice (bad-formed) template. You template must be clear and not bad-formed.

What bad-formed mean?
Ok you are new and may be you don’t know it, but other cheaters knows and uses as well. Some webmasters uses bad-formed templates to mix text with ads, this mean you see both of them. Some time, you don’t see the ads, but when you click over the text, you click the ads. You don’t understand what have happened, but some money has gone for those guys.

This is the reason why Google don’t like, those kinds of templates. Generally, you’ll need 100 visitors to generate a click, with such as games; you can make 10 clicks from 1 visitor, yet 1000 click in place of 1!!
It’s crazy! But Google will discover you soon, so please care about your template.

After setting a good, simple template, you need something on your site or blog; if you blog is empty Google won’t accept it.
If your blog is full and you putted (This blog is under construction), Google will reject it also. So try to avoid this kind of words on your headers.
Non-ready websites won’t be accepted.

Other thing to care about is the content. For example if you offer free music download (pirated music), not only Adsense will ban you, but also (may be) Google search. Your blog may also be deleted from Blogger, if you have your own host, so you may get some troubles because of the ‘Authors Copyrights’!
The Blog or site content should be unique and not copied from another site.

Finally another thing to talk about is ‘other advertising networks’. If you use Pop-ups ads on your site, you may get rejected and banned, if you install many ads, videos, your website is full of gadgets, Adsense won’t like it also.
Now you think the rules are rude! But who’s the shit who said to you ‘Participate to Adsense’? There are thousands of other advertising networks, you can join. But if you didn’t get paid, then that’s your problem.

Because it’s big and famous, people take confidence on Google. That’s sure! However, who guarantee that a guy running an advertising website will pay me, once I gathered $100?

Yet, if you have PayPal and a credit card (or a bank account), you won’t need Adsense or other programs. You can manage your ads your self, by getting money from advertiser and putting the ads yourself. By this manner, you’ll make even more money. But people won’t trust you much, if you are not popular. Also this will need a monthly job, searching for advertiser, placing ads, taking money, and other things.

In the end, getting approved from Google Adsense is easy, but the hard is to keep not to get banned!