Most of you want to have a blog ready!
- With articles and posts
- With a long list of subscriber
- With a high page rank
- With many comments...
Really? It's not easy to do it. The proof, only few people made it the right way.
And let's suppose you have 10k readers! This don't mean anything if you don't post every day.
This mean : when you don't post, reader wont' read. Result : You probably won't earn anything.
This is why you need another thing. It's Google Traffic.
Google Traffic is based on Google Search Engine.
Generally Google always send a steady traffic for you website that increase or decrease the day after the other.
But how to make a blog with steady Google Traffic?
The response is easy : By putting content on your blog!
Google indexes two things : Images and Text.
However text is always searched more that images, but this don't mean you forget about images.
In my blog Spring Of Life, I decided to integrate with each post a image with the alt Tag.
Results : 40% of my Search Engine Traffic comes from Google Images.
If you decided to do so, so you may have traffic and heavy traffic because people always forget about images; however when analyzing my data with more precision, I noticed another thing.
The average of page per view is 1.1, the averge time on site is 6 second.
People searching for images, search for images! They'll taker the picture and go.
However people searching for text, will read, bookmark, post a comment and may be click an ad on your blog.
So the Google Search Engine mean the Text one.
From my last experience on Googler Zone, I was just testing a blog keyworded with 'Google, Adsense, Traffic...' and here's the results when I sent a little traffic to it.
My average pay per click was as high as $1.5 and I got 1 click on 64 impression, which was quite high also.
I didn't know why people clicked a lot, but this meant one thing for me: A successful job!
But the problem is I can't send more traffic from my other blog, or it'll be abusing for my readers.
Later, I forget about the blog.
My aim now is to create this blog and get another kind of traffic 'Search Engine Traffic'
How to attract search engines
The only way is writing. Choose a niche and write on it.
My last experiences showed to me, that writing on a specific niches will increase the pay per click you get.
Also it's easier to reach the first position with the keyword 'Make money online for poor people' than 'make money online' than 'make money'.
Sure the more the keyword is shorter the more traffic you get, but if you get in the last position you can't jump to the first one in a day.
Here's a list on how to get started
- Write simple on your language don't complicate it
- Write short paragraphs separated each the other
- Highligh in Bold your main keyword
- Insert a tagged image if you can
- Uses numered or bullted lists
- Add some links to other sites
How to optimize your Keywords
As I already said it, it's impossible to get the first position in 'make money online' from the first day.
Try to use other larger but related keywords.
This will get you few traffic, if so, then increase the quantity of posting.
Let's calcuate it!
150 post / 3 visitors a day / 5 Page views => 750 daily page views.
It's high for begineers, so they don't beleive, other people may consider so low...
However if you done right, why don't you do it another time!
I create many blogs and still creating..
Each blog drive a little traffic, but now I have about 15 or 18, They all have low traffic, but I accumulate more than 2,000 impressions from them all.
Generally it's not good to have many blogs, but it can be a solution if you didn't succeed to create a big one.
How to take control of Google
In my web site Barcode Maker, I have had a great experience on taking control of Google Search.
My aim was to increase my search engine traffic to at least 150 unique daily but I completly faild, the website max potential was 35 visitors, so far then I planned.
So there was other solutions.
I made a single page about barcode each time using different types of keywords.
I published 13 of those pages in different sites
- Knol (5 pages) [6 unique]
- Squidoo (2 pages) [2 unique]
- Hubpages (3 pages) [13 unique]
- Gather (3 pages) [2 unique]
I get about 25 unique from them.
Next thing : I published a post on 6 blogs about Barcoding.
I get about 50 unique from those blogs.
Now I have only 40 visitors from Google, but using this tunnels, I have more than 100 unique!
Tunnels are great, each tunnel won't drive much traffic, but if you managed to create 100, this should give you enough traffic and also steady traffic!
Hope this help you!
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